Providing Assistance and awareness for real world training that saves lives
One of Brotherwood's goals is to create awareness and guidance for suicide risk assessment training by working with universities and/or student organizations to develop workshops and training opportunities on campuses. Whether it's for coping and life skills, to QPR training for faculty and staff. The more times we hang out and learn new skills, maybe have a cup of coffee, the more we learn about our friends, our students, our point guard, and more importantly ourselves.

The respondents’ best coping strategies for preventing self-harm and suicide ideation/behaviors during COVID-19 were ranked as: (1) improving support from friends (32%), (2) building self-esteem (29%), and (3) addressing anger, depression, stress, and loneliness (25%). Read Study

The suicide ideation was negatively associated with exercise. Students who reported less participation in exercise (less than 1 h) had high risk of suicide ideation, compared with those participating more in exercise (5 or more hours). The students who participated in sports teams can obtain support from friends and coaches and can regulate their mental health, decreasing the risk of suicide attempt when they occur difficult time. This suggests that exercise with social support may be better in playing a role for suicide attempt prevention.
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